General information

Piece specially channeled to work in cleaning, ativation and energization of the centers of the
body, acting on the chakras.

The word "Chakra" comes from the Sanscrit and means "wheel of light", they are the centers of
energy, which represent the different aspects of the subtle nature of the human being. They
are: Physical, Emotional, mental and energetic body. The seven main Chakras are located along
the spine of the human body and, according to the Hindu Tradition, follow the colors of the
rainbow. All levels of this Orgonite have been developed according to the characteristics of each

Matrix of used minerals: Red Jasper, Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Sun Stone, Citrine, Green Quartz,
Rose Quartz, Blue Quartz, Sodalite, Amethyst, in addition to a set of rough rock crystals.
How use it:

The easiest way to enjoy this range of positive energy is embracing or aligning the pyramid face
to your column. Meditations beside Orgonite and Reikis applications also are potentiated. The
Orgonite Alpha 7 Chakras is the most efficient response to the energetically balanced body, mind
and spirit.



Amethyst is a crystal widely used for spiritual protection and purification. It can help a person to control self-indulgence and abandon bad habits, it can help a person to stop smoking, drinking or using drugs. It stimulates the crown chakra and is a facilitator for meditation, helping to quiet your thoughts and move to higher states of consciousness. It clears the energy field of negative influences and connections and can therefore facilitate the creation of an energetic "shield" - a field of spiritual Light around the body that repels negativity in its environment. Placing Amethyst crystals in the home, meditation room, car, work, etc., can give the feeling that you are surrounded and protected by a "bubble of light". For this reason, Amethyst is especially recommended for everyone! If someone is sick and putting an Amethyst in the room, it will help to keep the healing space clean. Using it as a pendant gives us a state of balance and well-being. For spiritual protection, Amethyst works very well when combined with Moldavite. Amethyst generates its characteristic "bubbles of light", while Moldavite raises a person's vibrational frequencies to a level where he simply does not resonate with the low energies of negative and dark entities.

Spiritual: Amethyst facilitates meditation and engenders communion and communication with the person's guides, mentors and angels. It helps us to assume our spiritual power as creations of the divine being. It opens and clears the frontal and coronary chakras, which accelerates the development of psychic and intuitive abilities.

Emotional: Amethyst can help a person to identify the root causes behind the behaviors, habits and emotional patterns that create imbalances and diseases. It can help those who are inclined to dissociate and those who make themselves victims to recognize their inherent power and their ability to align their physical reality with their spiritual purpose. Amethyst is useful for those who do not feel they are native to the terrestrial plane, for those who experience constant nostalgia when they look at the stars and feel alone, as this crystal helps to harmonize and balance the environment, raising the vibration of the place and making the person feel at home.

Physical: This crystal has been used to counteract vicious behaviors and thought patterns. It helps to balance the nervous system and the brain. It can be used to help with symptoms of ringing in the ear, nervous disorders or brain imbalances. Amethyst energy also assists in blood oxygenation, helping to improve the assimilation of oxygen by the body and the elimination of gaseous waste, especially in combination with other stones that contain a lot of iron, such as Hematite and Magnetite.

Affirmation: I am purified, uplifted and protected by my connection with the Divine.


Sodalite is a stone of insight, helping one to penetrate paradoxes and contradictions to form a new synthesis of thought. It improves the mental powers of analysis, intuition, observation and creativity, and is stimulating to the person's latent genius. It facilitates self-discipline, efficiency, organization and structure in research and other mental activities. This is one of the stones of the deep journey. It provides insight into the self and a dispassionate assessment of motivations, strengths, weaknesses, desires, gifts and patterns of personal destiny. If the person is doing deep meditations or shamanic journeys, Sodalite can be an important ally. It can reinforce the person's "witness" conscience, making them more able to see and remember the scenes and symbols presented. It brings a kind of stubborn courage inside the person, making him more likely to stand his ground during difficulties or painful aspects of his path to the source. It stimulates psychic vision and understanding on many levels, brings moments of "haha!" sparkling in that she sees the patterns that link the inner and outer worlds and the events that arise in both places at the same time. It also helps intuitive readers to access their clients' personalities and energy patterns. It helps to open the subconscious, helping the person to recall and heal past hurts and receive symbolic images of the wise part of the self that communicates without words. It removes the person from the pressures and torments of life and allows him to plunge deeply into the subconscious and unconscious minds. It can be used to help people remember their dreams or practice lucid dreaming.

Spiritual: Sodalite helps people understand where their path lies. She acts as a "beacon" of the personal journey, helping her to become immersed in the experience of spiritual growth, without becoming obsessed with the "magic tricks" that can arise with her awakening. For example, it can open the person to mediumistic perception and at the same time prevent him from becoming egoistic about his psychic abilities.

Emotional: Sodalita cultivates detachment from the worries and torments of everyday life. It can reduce stress and anxiety by allowing the person to see their reality from a more serene and elevated perspective.

Physical: Sodalite can be used to help support blood pressure adjustment, decreasing fluid retention and improving cell hydration.

Affirmation: My mind is fully awake at all levels and functioning at its highest capacity.

#Blue Quartz

This crystal is a stone of self-discipline and inner strength. It helps the person to make clear decisions and stick to them. It can be useful to initiate changes in problematic habits such as smoking, overreactions, substance abuse and even traits such as selfishness and passive aggression. She energetically supports the person in taking responsibility for themselves and their relationships, in part by helping them to discover that they can actually cope successfully in their life.

Blue Quartz promotes the person's full responsibility for his life - a precursor to the recovery of personal power. It opens the third eye, encouraging vision and inspired ideas. It helps in the highest expression of wisdom and knowledge and is excellent for teachers.

it helps the person to realize that he is playing the victim and refusing to have power. It helps to see how your actions and thoughts created your current reality, so that the person can be strengthened by the change in their experience. It helps to calm inflamed emotions and allows the person to feel more peaceful and less affected by external energies.

Blue Quartz is useful for balancing hormones - Especially for women. It can help decrease muscle tremors, spasms and facial tics. It favors the health of the blood and its oxygenation. It is useful in helping “babies with cyanosis” to strengthen their circulatory and respiratory systems. It is also useful for strengthening the walls of veins and arteries. This crystal can help to calm hyperactivity and improve focus and mental concentration.

#Green Quartz
Green Quartz is a stone of optimism and enthusiasm for life. It helps the person to move forward with confidence to new situations, such as change of job, residence, school, relationships or spiritual focus. She even assists the person to accept challenging questions like aging, illness or her own mortality. It is not so much a stone of resignation or acceptance, but a facilitator to face anything without losing balance. This stone brings with it a feeling of lightness, even humor, while helping to deal with the ups and downs of life. In meditation, it helps a person to persevere during times when nothing seems to happen. In emotional life, it allows the person to look at the bright side of difficult issues. In healing, it instills life force and helps in rebuilding depleted energy reserves. Green Quartz can be a "good luck" stone and is recommended for those who wish to manifest great prosperity. This stone encourages us to face changes philosophically and see each challenge in life as an opportunity for growth in a new direction. It encourages optimism and deep gratitude for the myriad experiences that life offers. Green Quartz helps to clean and strengthen the emotional body and the heart chakra. It helps the person to eliminate links with what is obsolete and to be more present in his experiences. It also helps the person to be willing to heal and move forward in life. Green Quartz helps people to find hope, optimism and pleasure in everyday life. It helps to stay centered in the heart and peacefully navigate difficult emotional experiences. This stone facilitates the disposition to eliminate ties with relationships or life situations of the past and accept change, growth and renewal. This stone helps to heal and regulate the heart and circulatory system. It stimulates cell repair, renewal and healing in general. It can help babies and slow-developing children to blossom. It stimulates the life force, increasing physical and vibrational vitality.

#rose quartz

Rose Quartz has soothing vibrations that are a balm for emotions, and they soothe and cleanse the entire auric field. It engenders the elimination of tension and stress, the dissolution of anger and resentment, the dissipation of fear and suspicion, and the revival of hope and faith in the benevolence of the Universe. This crystal is one of the stones of the great mother, it not only activates the human heart chakra, but also connects the personal heart to the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe. Your love vibrations can penetrate at the cellular level, reprogramming the cells for joy and longevity instead of despair and death. This reprogramming ability is the source of Rose Quartz's healing potential. Rose Quartz is one of the most important crystals to have: It can be used in meditation, inside the pillowcase or on the nightstand, as jewelry and to keep in the environment (living room, bedroom, office, etc.). When Rose Quartz is left in environments, it can fill the entire structure with soft energies, keeping the energy of love in focus for all who are there, generating a greater state of harmony.

Spiritual: Rose Quartz is one of the most humble crystals, yet more powerful among spiritual allies. It turns the heart towards love and bathes the body, mind and spirit in a therapeutic and illuminating frequency. It carries the loving awareness of Christ and other heart-centered spiritual teachers.

Emotional: This crystal is calming to the mind, helping the person to eliminate worries, fear, anxiety and past emotional traumas. It cleanses the emotional body of ego-driven patterns and can help a person feel more open to receiving and sharing love, compassion and kindness.

Physical: Rose Quartz is a smooth stabilizing crystal for use in trauma and imbalances in the physical heart. It can help the heart to shift from stress-based physiology to the higher frequencies of love-based physiology. It is ideal for premature babies and young children with weakness or heart disease, but can be used by anyone who wants a stronger and more stable heart.

Affirmation: I open my heart to receive and express the energy of love.


Natural Citrine carries a powerful frequency that makes it possible to clean and strengthen the channel of manifestation and personal will. Its purifying properties come from its natural smoky quartz energy, combined with the stimulating energy of the Fire element it carries. This crystal stimulates the chakras from the first to the third (basic, sacral and solar plexus). These are the points at which the high-frequency energies of the emotional and spiritual planes manifest within the low-frequency realms of physicality. In other words, these chakras are where the energy becomes physical. For this reason, they are powerful points in the person's energy system for manifestation and creative work. These areas have everything to do with our perception of deserving what we want and taking the initiatives to create it. Natural Citrine causes blockages in these areas to become apparent so that they can be eliminated. It not only stimulates these areas, but also clears any energy blockages, allowing free flow through the manifestation channel.

Spiritual: Natural Citrine is the great manifester, allowing the channel of manifestation to be purified and to bring divine energy into form through intention and action. It assists the person in maintaining his orientation when the path presents difficulties, or when obstacles appear in his path.

Emotional: This crystal helps the person to overcome difficulties, maintaining the effort in the midst of adversity and acting decisively to solve challenging situations. It helps the person to overcome feelings of not deserving abundance.

Physical: Natural Citrus improves endurance and physical energy, supports the endocrine system and encourages proper metabolism.

Affirmation: I open myself to the inspiration of my creative imagination, and by the strength of my will, in line with the divine will, I manifest my dreams.


Carnelian activates the first, second and third chakras, bringing a flow of life force, sexual and creative energy, and an assertive will. It is a powerful aid for those who wish to build confidence, courage, passion and power within them. It is of great help to delicate souls who wish for good things, but find it difficult to make them happen. Often, those who lean towards spirituality do their inner work from the heart chakra upwards, ignoring the disordered realms of physical existence associated with the first three chakras. This is a mistake that can make a person inefficient and passive in his life. Without the vitality of physical energies, a person cannot enjoy life or have much power over it. Carrying or using carnelian can assist in awakening the vital energies of the three lower chakras, increasing the enthusiasm for life and the willingness to face the risks inherent in all vigorous actions. Carnelian is a powerful ally to be called upon when a person needs to take more important actions. She lends courage to “take the leap” and dedicate herself to a new path. Carnelian can help people who postpone or are unable to decide on a course of action. When used in meditation, it can help a person understand how to bring a concept to life. It is useful in demonstration work because of its ability to encourage the person to act towards his goals. The saying “god helps those who help themselves” describes the energies of carnelian very well. It encourages the person to stop waiting for his dreams to arise and instead start directing his own experiences as channels for divine will.

Spiritual: Carnelian helps to act to manifest the person's highest goals and dreams.

Emotional: This crystal helps the person to overcome the fear of acting or the fear of doing the wrong thing. It helps the person to accept changes and transformation in his life.

Physical: Carnelian provides vitality and energy to the physical body. It helps a person to purify and sanctify the body as a time of the spirit. It is an excellent support for detoxifying alcohol and other drugs, interrupting negative or harmful physical habits, and improving health in general. It is especially useful for balancing and healing the ovaries or testicles.

Affirmation: I am filled with the vital energies of life, and I act with confidence and power

#Red Jasper

Red Jasper can help improve a person's stamina and stamina and can work, over time, to increase the amount of vital energy in their energy field. It strengthens the basic chakra and invigorates your connection to the Earth. Improves memory, especially for dreams or other inner experiences. Its energy pattern is so stable that it tends to stabilize a person's own energy if they use or carry the stone or keep it in their environment. Such stabilization can lead to good health, balanced emotions, true expression and just actions.

Red Jasper activates and stimulates the basic chakra and helps the Kundalini energy rise. This crystal helps the person to eliminate shame or guilt around sexual issues. It is an ally for those who are determined to heal and recover from violent sexual experiences. The Red Jasper is a stone of strength and physical energy. It is wonderful for those who need extra support to recover from physical weakness due to illness. It is also useful for weight gain and bodybuilding work for its ability to help generate muscle tissue. It can be used to improve the effects of exercise and stimulate the circulatory and respiratory systems. This crystal is useful to help stabilize pregnancy and promote robust fetal growth.


Technical characteristics:


Materials: Resin, Copper, Aluminum, Brass, Generating Quartz, Red Jasper, Sun Stone, Orange Calcite, Fire Agate, Citrine, Pyrite, Green Quartz, Rose Quartz, Sodalite, Blue Quartz, Amethyst.

Dimensions: 1m12cm x 60cm base


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General information

Piece specially channeled to work in cleaning, ativation and energization of the centers of the
body, acting on the chakras.

The word "Chakra" comes from the Sanscrit and means "wheel of light", they are the centers of
energy, which represent the different aspects of the subtle nature of the human being. They
are: Physical, Emotional, mental and energetic body. The seven main Chakras are located along
the spine of the human body and, according to the Hindu Tradition, follow the colors of the
rainbow. All levels of this Orgonite have been developed according to the characteristics of each

Matrix of used minerals: Red Jasper, Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Sun Stone, Citrine, Green Quartz,
Rose Quartz, Blue Quartz, Sodalite, Amethyst, in addition to a set of rough rock crystals.
How use it:

The easiest way to enjoy this range of positive energy is embracing or aligning the pyramid face
to your column. Meditations beside Orgonite and Reikis applications also are potentiated. The
Orgonite Alpha 7 Chakras is the most efficient response to the energetically balanced body, mind
and spirit.



Amethyst is a crystal widely used for spiritual protection and purification. It can help a person to control self-indulgence and abandon bad habits, it can help a person to stop smoking, drinking or using drugs. It stimulates the crown chakra and is a facilitator for meditation, helping to quiet your thoughts and move to higher states of consciousness. It clears the energy field of negative influences and connections and can therefore facilitate the creation of an energetic "shield" - a field of spiritual Light around the body that repels negativity in its environment. Placing Amethyst crystals in the home, meditation room, car, work, etc., can give the feeling that you are surrounded and protected by a "bubble of light". For this reason, Amethyst is especially recommended for everyone! If someone is sick and putting an Amethyst in the room, it will help to keep the healing space clean. Using it as a pendant gives us a state of balance and well-being. For spiritual protection, Amethyst works very well when combined with Moldavite. Amethyst generates its characteristic "bubbles of light", while Moldavite raises a person's vibrational frequencies to a level where he simply does not resonate with the low energies of negative and dark entities.

Spiritual: Amethyst facilitates meditation and engenders communion and communication with the person's guides, mentors and angels. It helps us to assume our spiritual power as creations of the divine being. It opens and clears the frontal and coronary chakras, which accelerates the development of psychic and intuitive abilities.

Emotional: Amethyst can help a person to identify the root causes behind the behaviors, habits and emotional patterns that create imbalances and diseases. It can help those who are inclined to dissociate and those who make themselves victims to recognize their inherent power and their ability to align their physical reality with their spiritual purpose. Amethyst is useful for those who do not feel they are native to the terrestrial plane, for those who experience constant nostalgia when they look at the stars and feel alone, as this crystal helps to harmonize and balance the environment, raising the vibration of the place and making the person feel at home.

Physical: This crystal has been used to counteract vicious behaviors and thought patterns. It helps to balance the nervous system and the brain. It can be used to help with symptoms of ringing in the ear, nervous disorders or brain imbalances. Amethyst energy also assists in blood oxygenation, helping to improve the assimilation of oxygen by the body and the elimination of gaseous waste, especially in combination with other stones that contain a lot of iron, such as Hematite and Magnetite.

Affirmation: I am purified, uplifted and protected by my connection with the Divine.


Sodalite is a stone of insight, helping one to penetrate paradoxes and contradictions to form a new synthesis of thought. It improves the mental powers of analysis, intuition, observation and creativity, and is stimulating to the person's latent genius. It facilitates self-discipline, efficiency, organization and structure in research and other mental activities. This is one of the stones of the deep journey. It provides insight into the self and a dispassionate assessment of motivations, strengths, weaknesses, desires, gifts and patterns of personal destiny. If the person is doing deep meditations or shamanic journeys, Sodalite can be an important ally. It can reinforce the person's "witness" conscience, making them more able to see and remember the scenes and symbols presented. It brings a kind of stubborn courage inside the person, making him more likely to stand his ground during difficulties or painful aspects of his path to the source. It stimulates psychic vision and understanding on many levels, brings moments of "haha!" sparkling in that she sees the patterns that link the inner and outer worlds and the events that arise in both places at the same time. It also helps intuitive readers to access their clients' personalities and energy patterns. It helps to open the subconscious, helping the person to recall and heal past hurts and receive symbolic images of the wise part of the self that communicates without words. It removes the person from the pressures and torments of life and allows him to plunge deeply into the subconscious and unconscious minds. It can be used to help people remember their dreams or practice lucid dreaming.

Spiritual: Sodalite helps people understand where their path lies. She acts as a "beacon" of the personal journey, helping her to become immersed in the experience of spiritual growth, without becoming obsessed with the "magic tricks" that can arise with her awakening. For example, it can open the person to mediumistic perception and at the same time prevent him from becoming egoistic about his psychic abilities.

Emotional: Sodalita cultivates detachment from the worries and torments of everyday life. It can reduce stress and anxiety by allowing the person to see their reality from a more serene and elevated perspective.

Physical: Sodalite can be used to help support blood pressure adjustment, decreasing fluid retention and improving cell hydration.

Affirmation: My mind is fully awake at all levels and functioning at its highest capacity.

#Blue Quartz

This crystal is a stone of self-discipline and inner strength. It helps the person to make clear decisions and stick to them. It can be useful to initiate changes in problematic habits such as smoking, overreactions, substance abuse and even traits such as selfishness and passive aggression. She energetically supports the person in taking responsibility for themselves and their relationships, in part by helping them to discover that they can actually cope successfully in their life.

Blue Quartz promotes the person's full responsibility for his life - a precursor to the recovery of personal power. It opens the third eye, encouraging vision and inspired ideas. It helps in the highest expression of wisdom and knowledge and is excellent for teachers.

it helps the person to realize that he is playing the victim and refusing to have power. It helps to see how your actions and thoughts created your current reality, so that the person can be strengthened by the change in their experience. It helps to calm inflamed emotions and allows the person to feel more peaceful and less affected by external energies.

Blue Quartz is useful for balancing hormones - Especially for women. It can help decrease muscle tremors, spasms and facial tics. It favors the health of the blood and its oxygenation. It is useful in helping “babies with cyanosis” to strengthen their circulatory and respiratory systems. It is also useful for strengthening the walls of veins and arteries. This crystal can help to calm hyperactivity and improve focus and mental concentration.

#Green Quartz
Green Quartz is a stone of optimism and enthusiasm for life. It helps the person to move forward with confidence to new situations, such as change of job, residence, school, relationships or spiritual focus. She even assists the person to accept challenging questions like aging, illness or her own mortality. It is not so much a stone of resignation or acceptance, but a facilitator to face anything without losing balance. This stone brings with it a feeling of lightness, even humor, while helping to deal with the ups and downs of life. In meditation, it helps a person to persevere during times when nothing seems to happen. In emotional life, it allows the person to look at the bright side of difficult issues. In healing, it instills life force and helps in rebuilding depleted energy reserves. Green Quartz can be a "good luck" stone and is recommended for those who wish to manifest great prosperity. This stone encourages us to face changes philosophically and see each challenge in life as an opportunity for growth in a new direction. It encourages optimism and deep gratitude for the myriad experiences that life offers. Green Quartz helps to clean and strengthen the emotional body and the heart chakra. It helps the person to eliminate links with what is obsolete and to be more present in his experiences. It also helps the person to be willing to heal and move forward in life. Green Quartz helps people to find hope, optimism and pleasure in everyday life. It helps to stay centered in the heart and peacefully navigate difficult emotional experiences. This stone facilitates the disposition to eliminate ties with relationships or life situations of the past and accept change, growth and renewal. This stone helps to heal and regulate the heart and circulatory system. It stimulates cell repair, renewal and healing in general. It can help babies and slow-developing children to blossom. It stimulates the life force, increasing physical and vibrational vitality.

#rose quartz

Rose Quartz has soothing vibrations that are a balm for emotions, and they soothe and cleanse the entire auric field. It engenders the elimination of tension and stress, the dissolution of anger and resentment, the dissipation of fear and suspicion, and the revival of hope and faith in the benevolence of the Universe. This crystal is one of the stones of the great mother, it not only activates the human heart chakra, but also connects the personal heart to the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe. Your love vibrations can penetrate at the cellular level, reprogramming the cells for joy and longevity instead of despair and death. This reprogramming ability is the source of Rose Quartz's healing potential. Rose Quartz is one of the most important crystals to have: It can be used in meditation, inside the pillowcase or on the nightstand, as jewelry and to keep in the environment (living room, bedroom, office, etc.). When Rose Quartz is left in environments, it can fill the entire structure with soft energies, keeping the energy of love in focus for all who are there, generating a greater state of harmony.

Spiritual: Rose Quartz is one of the most humble crystals, yet more powerful among spiritual allies. It turns the heart towards love and bathes the body, mind and spirit in a therapeutic and illuminating frequency. It carries the loving awareness of Christ and other heart-centered spiritual teachers.

Emotional: This crystal is calming to the mind, helping the person to eliminate worries, fear, anxiety and past emotional traumas. It cleanses the emotional body of ego-driven patterns and can help a person feel more open to receiving and sharing love, compassion and kindness.

Physical: Rose Quartz is a smooth stabilizing crystal for use in trauma and imbalances in the physical heart. It can help the heart to shift from stress-based physiology to the higher frequencies of love-based physiology. It is ideal for premature babies and young children with weakness or heart disease, but can be used by anyone who wants a stronger and more stable heart.

Affirmation: I open my heart to receive and express the energy of love.


Natural Citrine carries a powerful frequency that makes it possible to clean and strengthen the channel of manifestation and personal will. Its purifying properties come from its natural smoky quartz energy, combined with the stimulating energy of the Fire element it carries. This crystal stimulates the chakras from the first to the third (basic, sacral and solar plexus). These are the points at which the high-frequency energies of the emotional and spiritual planes manifest within the low-frequency realms of physicality. In other words, these chakras are where the energy becomes physical. For this reason, they are powerful points in the person's energy system for manifestation and creative work. These areas have everything to do with our perception of deserving what we want and taking the initiatives to create it. Natural Citrine causes blockages in these areas to become apparent so that they can be eliminated. It not only stimulates these areas, but also clears any energy blockages, allowing free flow through the manifestation channel.

Spiritual: Natural Citrine is the great manifester, allowing the channel of manifestation to be purified and to bring divine energy into form through intention and action. It assists the person in maintaining his orientation when the path presents difficulties, or when obstacles appear in his path.

Emotional: This crystal helps the person to overcome difficulties, maintaining the effort in the midst of adversity and acting decisively to solve challenging situations. It helps the person to overcome feelings of not deserving abundance.

Physical: Natural Citrus improves endurance and physical energy, supports the endocrine system and encourages proper metabolism.

Affirmation: I open myself to the inspiration of my creative imagination, and by the strength of my will, in line with the divine will, I manifest my dreams.


Carnelian activates the first, second and third chakras, bringing a flow of life force, sexual and creative energy, and an assertive will. It is a powerful aid for those who wish to build confidence, courage, passion and power within them. It is of great help to delicate souls who wish for good things, but find it difficult to make them happen. Often, those who lean towards spirituality do their inner work from the heart chakra upwards, ignoring the disordered realms of physical existence associated with the first three chakras. This is a mistake that can make a person inefficient and passive in his life. Without the vitality of physical energies, a person cannot enjoy life or have much power over it. Carrying or using carnelian can assist in awakening the vital energies of the three lower chakras, increasing the enthusiasm for life and the willingness to face the risks inherent in all vigorous actions. Carnelian is a powerful ally to be called upon when a person needs to take more important actions. She lends courage to “take the leap” and dedicate herself to a new path. Carnelian can help people who postpone or are unable to decide on a course of action. When used in meditation, it can help a person understand how to bring a concept to life. It is useful in demonstration work because of its ability to encourage the person to act towards his goals. The saying “god helps those who help themselves” describes the energies of carnelian very well. It encourages the person to stop waiting for his dreams to arise and instead start directing his own experiences as channels for divine will.

Spiritual: Carnelian helps to act to manifest the person's highest goals and dreams.

Emotional: This crystal helps the person to overcome the fear of acting or the fear of doing the wrong thing. It helps the person to accept changes and transformation in his life.

Physical: Carnelian provides vitality and energy to the physical body. It helps a person to purify and sanctify the body as a time of the spirit. It is an excellent support for detoxifying alcohol and other drugs, interrupting negative or harmful physical habits, and improving health in general. It is especially useful for balancing and healing the ovaries or testicles.

Affirmation: I am filled with the vital energies of life, and I act with confidence and power

#Red Jasper

Red Jasper can help improve a person's stamina and stamina and can work, over time, to increase the amount of vital energy in their energy field. It strengthens the basic chakra and invigorates your connection to the Earth. Improves memory, especially for dreams or other inner experiences. Its energy pattern is so stable that it tends to stabilize a person's own energy if they use or carry the stone or keep it in their environment. Such stabilization can lead to good health, balanced emotions, true expression and just actions.

Red Jasper activates and stimulates the basic chakra and helps the Kundalini energy rise. This crystal helps the person to eliminate shame or guilt around sexual issues. It is an ally for those who are determined to heal and recover from violent sexual experiences. The Red Jasper is a stone of strength and physical energy. It is wonderful for those who need extra support to recover from physical weakness due to illness. It is also useful for weight gain and bodybuilding work for its ability to help generate muscle tissue. It can be used to improve the effects of exercise and stimulate the circulatory and respiratory systems. This crystal is useful to help stabilize pregnancy and promote robust fetal growth.


Technical characteristics:


Materials: Resin, Copper, Aluminum, Brass, Generating Quartz, Red Jasper, Sun Stone, Orange Calcite, Fire Agate, Citrine, Pyrite, Green Quartz, Rose Quartz, Sodalite, Blue Quartz, Amethyst.

Dimensions: 1m12cm x 60cm base