The Onyx is a stone of inner strength, it improves the person's resistance and persistence, enabling him to conduct even difficult and monotonous tasks until completion. At the mental level, it increases a person's ability to stay focused, allowing them to learn new things and make good use of everything that has been taught. Energetically stimulates memory retention and encourages attention to detail, which makes Onyx a useful tool for students, teachers, business owners, accountants, lawyers and anyone whose job requires some level of focus, perseverance and discipline. This stone calms nervousness, suppresses anxiety, controls high temperaments and brings reason to passion. It is an optimal grounding force. It is an excellent stone to take in conflict situations, in which the person must keep a "cool head". The black onyx also helps to integrate spiritual insights, allowing the person to perceive them clearly and land the information.
Spiritual: The black onyx teaches the proper use of power and to focus energy on positive strength. It is excellent for those working to develop their telekinetic skills.
Emotional: This stone is emotionally neutral.
Physical: The black onyx can be used to help stimulate the connection between the feet and the first chakra. This can be useful for those who suffer from weak legs or who have difficulty grounding or eliminating body waste or excess energy.
Affirmation: I work on all my chosen tasks with a clear focus, discipline, perseverance and high efficiency.
Natural Citrine carries a powerful frequency that makes it possible to clean and strengthen the channel of manifestation and personal will. Its purifying properties come from its natural smoky quartz energy, combined with the stimulating energy of the Fire element it carries. This crystal stimulates the chakras from the first to the third (basic, sacral and solar plexus). These are the points at which the high-frequency energies of the emotional and spiritual planes manifest within the low-frequency realms of physicality. In other words, these chakras are where the energy becomes physical. For this reason, they are powerful points in the person's energy system for manifestation and creative work. These areas have everything to do with our perception of deserving what we want and taking the initiatives to create it. Natural Citrine causes blockages in these areas to become apparent so that they can be eliminated. It not only stimulates these areas, but also clears any blockages of energy, allowing free flow through the manifestation channel.
Spiritual: Natural Citrine is the great manifester, allowing the channel of manifestation to be purified and to bring divine energy into form through intention and action. It assists the person in maintaining his orientation when the path presents difficulties, or when obstacles appear in his path.
Emotional: This crystal helps the person to overcome difficulties, maintaining the effort in the midst of adversity and acting decisively to solve challenging situations. It helps the person to overcome feelings of not deserving abundance.
Physical: Natural Citrine improves endurance and physical energy, supports the endocrine system and encourages proper metabolism.
Affirmation: I open myself to the inspiration of my creative imagination, and by the strength of my will, in line with the divine will, I manifest my dreams.


Pyrite is excellent for improving the power of the Solar Plexus chakra in both men and women. It produces an immediate increase in vitality and gives the person the courage to perform challenging tasks in the physical world. It improves the power of the will, helping the person to overcome bad habits and creating new patterns of health and positive energy. It helps a person to overcome fear and anxiety, and also to establish a "can do" attitude about anything he decides to try. It can remove negative influences on the person's environment and give him the courage to banish such influences from his life. Pyrite can be a useful tool to balance polarities and create harmony within the auric field. In body layouts, it should be used on the solar plexus, hands and basic chakra. This will anchor the person's auric field firmly in the body, in proper alignment for the optimal functioning of the spiritual self in the physical world. In meditation, holding a Pyrite in each hand can bring an instant of rebalancing and a refreshing burst of energy. When you can't take a nap, hold a Pyrite. It increases mental clarity and focus, making it an ideal stone for students.
Spiritual: Pyrite helps a person to integrate high frequency energies into their physical body. It is an ally to help a person act to create abundance in his life. Its frequency is useful for stimulating creative energy and promoting healthy sexual expression.
Emotional: Pyrite encourages the person to overcome fears and act. It can be used to help bring the person out of his shell and encourage him to be more dynamic and confident.
Physical: The sulfur component of Pyrite helps to purify the body of infections and stimulate proper endocrine function. It is excellent for fighting male impotence and infertility. Its iron component focuses on the power of Pyrite in the blood and tissues, allowing it to be used to fight skin diseases, fungal infections and cell invasion by viruses.
Affirmation: My will is strong, and I use it to manifest my most benevolent hopes and desires.


#Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline is one of the most popular stones for spiritual purposes. It is an ally in the psychic protection of anyone who must work or live in challenging spaces or circumstances. Meditating with it can keep the person's auric field free from imbalances, even in the presence of destructive energies. We all know that we often encounter individuals or situations that emanate “bad vibes”. In fact, sometimes we can transmit them. Black Tourmaline crystals act as ethereal vacuum cleaners, cleaning the person and whoever is around them from negativity and disharmony. In addition, where such influences are not an issue, Black Tourmaline can provide high levels of purification that serve to raise a person's consciousness. This purifying influence can also echo in the physical field, benefiting in the liberation of negative thoughts, anxieties, anger and ideas of personal worthlessness. The Black Tourmaline has a terrifying function, useful to create a grounding circuit with the Earth's electromagnetic field, being of great help in the inner strengthening in favor of energy balance.
Spiritual: The Black Tourmaline provides a grounded path for light to enter the earth plane.
Emotional: This ally helps a person to stop obsessive or compulsive behaviors and eliminate chronic afflictions and anxieties.
Physical: Black Tourmaline helps to purify the body of toxins and waste. It can help in cleaning heavy metals and environmental pollutants in the body.
Affirmation: I expel all negative ties, inside and outside. I am purified, grounded and centered on the Earth.
#Tiger Eye
Tigre's Eye is a solar stone of vitality, practicality and physical action. It stimulates the root chakra and the solar plexus, helping the person to act affectionately in response to the needs and challenges of physical life, and to remain grounded, calm and centered, regardless of external or internal situations. Like a golden ray stone, the Tiger's Eye can help a person make contact with the vibrating realm of Christ consciousness. Meditation with this stone can help a person to enter a state in which he resides as a point of perception within an atmosphere of "warm golden dust", a place permeated by unconditional love and compassion. When the person returns, he does not simply wish to "float around" in the ensuing happiness, instead he wants to act informed by that awareness that will bring his energies more fully into the physical world. As it is a balance stone, it allows the person to find the harmonious center between all types of polarities. It helps the person to see the two sides in disagreement. It is an excellent stone for professional mediators. Those experiencing difficult negotiations, such as divorce or custody issues, are encouraged to take a Tiger's Eye with them.
Spiritual: The Tiger's Eye teaches the balance between polarities, and the underlying unity behind apparent oppositions. It helps to balance the physical and the spiritual, and to update the Spirit through worldly tasks.
Emotional: Tiger's Eye helps those who tend to go to extremes to find balance in their emotional lives. It can help to create harmony between people with different points of view, religious beliefs and approaches to life. It is an excellent ally for bringing harmony to families and relationships where differences of opinion or expression are causing discord.
Physical: It is a blood fortifier, supporting general vitality. It strengthens the endocrine system and helps to bring the person's hormones and biochemistry into balance.
Affirmation: I act with confidence, clarity, balance, sincerity, enthusiasm and strength.
Of all the gems, the Emerald is the purest and most crystalline emanation of the green ray, the color of the heart chakra. This chakra is at the center of our Physical selves, and it is our center on many other levels as well. The Emerald is the stone that represents the most purely activated heart chakra energy patterns. It is the stone that helps a person to live and act from the level of the heart, offering unconditional love and compassion in everyday life and relationships, opening it up to receive love from others and purifying the channel for its connection with love divine. This stone can also help a person to heal "broken hearts" and remember to give love to themselves and others. An open heart allows the cornucopia of universal blessings to flow into one's life, which is perhaps why the Emerald is also known as the stone of prosperity. Using Emerald helps to tune a person's vibrational patterns with the spectrum of abundance, allowing the person to attract what he needs and desires. The Emerald is also a stone of courage - another emotion that emanates from a vigorous and open heart.
Spiritual: links the person with the frequency of divine love and compassion and the true appreciation of all their experiences and creations. It is powerful for shifting from scarcity awareness to prosperity awareness, developing the confidence that the Universe will provide for all your needs. It allows the person to develop gratitude for perceiving and receiving the gifts of the Divine. The Emerald connects the personal heart with the energy of divine love.
Emotional: This crystal is a wonderful Emotional remedy. It allows the person to show his compassionate and kind nature without fear of vulnerability. It encourages a person to trust the divine in all things. Esmeralda can help overcome feelings of being unworthy, fear of scarcity and abandonment. It encourages acceptance of others without judgment or imposition of their views on reality.
Physical: a strong remedy for the heart and can help the Physical heart to recover from all types of imbalances and diseases.
Affirmation: Through love and compassion, all things are healed and the blessing flows freely
Amazonite is a stone of harmony, both within the being and among people. She is a truth teller and peacemaker, helping the person to communicate his truth, thoughts and feelings without being overly emotional. It is the first step towards both inner and outer peace. The second step is activated by the awakening by the Amazonite of compassion, by the stimulation of the heart chakra. Once the person has expressed his truth, it is necessary to assume the other person's points of view to achieve harmony, and Amazonite makes this process easier. Meditation with Amazonite makes everything more conscious, so that the person can hear and integrate all aspects of himself. As a stone of truth, one can trust the visions, dreams and intuitions that arise when working with Amazonite. This stone can also strengthen us by manifesting our dreams and desires. It amplifies our intentions and, by working through the throat chakra, these intentions must be spoken aloud. Holding an Amazonite while saying out loud what you want to create can powerfully increase a person's ability to fulfill their desire.
Spiritual: Spiritually, the Amazonite helps the person to communicate truths and high knowledge. It is the stone of truth, helping a person to realize the truth in himself and in others. It assists in the development of discernment and energy limits.
Emotional: On an emotional level, Amazonite helps people to establish appropriate boundaries both internally (discipline) and externally. It helps the person to move beyond the fear of confrontation or judgment, giving them greater freedom to act in line with their greater truth and integrity. It encourages you to walk in right relationships and to speak and live your truth for the greater good. It helps the person to acquire self-knowledge and define their essential values ​​and beliefs.
Physical: Helps in the physical cure of many diseases. It is useful for cell regeneration and healing after trauma and injury. It is an excellent stone to use against gout and arthritis. It is useful in preventing hair loss and helping to repair brittle hair and nails. It can help to balance the thyroid and adrenal glands, especially when these glands are overloaded by excessive stress and repression.
Affirmation: I speak and live my greatest truth, and I call for its manifestation in the world.

#Green Quartz
Optimism for life. Go ahead with confidence for new situations: job changes, home changes, school, relationships or Spiritual focus. It promotes personal assistance to accept challenging issues such as aging, illness or your own mortality. It is not so much a stone of resignation or  acceptance, but a facilitator to face anything without losing balance. This stone brings with it a feeling of lightness, even humor, while helping to deal with the life up and downs.
Spiritual: it helps to persevere during many times when nothing seems to happen.
Emotional: it allows the person to look at the bright side of difficult issues. It helps to clean and strengthen the Emotional body and the heart. It helps the person to eliminate links with what is obsolete and to be present in his experiences.
Physical: it instills life's budget and helps in rebuilding depleted energy reserves. Green Quartz can be a "good luck" stone and recommended for those who wish to manifest great prosperity. This stone encourages face philosophically the changes and see the challenge of life as an opportunity for growth in a new direction. Helps to find hope, optimism and pleasure in everyday life. Help to keep focused on the Heart to navigate peacefully by hard Emotional trends. Helps the disposition to remove past relationships or past life situations and to accept change, growth and renovation. Helps to heal and regulate the heart and circulatory system. Stimulates cell repair, renewal and healing in General. It can help babies and slow-growing children to blossom. Stimulates life force, increasing Physical and vibrational vitality.
Affirmation: I go ahead with optimism, confidence and renewed vitality!


[Research information in "The Book of Stones" by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian - Ed 2013, Madras Editora Ltda.]
Technical characteristics:
Materials: Resin, Copper, Brass, Quartz, Pyrite, Citrine, Onyx, Black Tourmaline and Tiger's Eye
Dimensions: 27 cm  Height x 17cm Base

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The Onyx is a stone of inner strength, it improves the person's resistance and persistence, enabling him to conduct even difficult and monotonous tasks until completion. At the mental level, it increases a person's ability to stay focused, allowing them to learn new things and make good use of everything that has been taught. Energetically stimulates memory retention and encourages attention to detail, which makes Onyx a useful tool for students, teachers, business owners, accountants, lawyers and anyone whose job requires some level of focus, perseverance and discipline. This stone calms nervousness, suppresses anxiety, controls high temperaments and brings reason to passion. It is an optimal grounding force. It is an excellent stone to take in conflict situations, in which the person must keep a "cool head". The black onyx also helps to integrate spiritual insights, allowing the person to perceive them clearly and land the information.
Spiritual: The black onyx teaches the proper use of power and to focus energy on positive strength. It is excellent for those working to develop their telekinetic skills.
Emotional: This stone is emotionally neutral.
Physical: The black onyx can be used to help stimulate the connection between the feet and the first chakra. This can be useful for those who suffer from weak legs or who have difficulty grounding or eliminating body waste or excess energy.
Affirmation: I work on all my chosen tasks with a clear focus, discipline, perseverance and high efficiency.
Natural Citrine carries a powerful frequency that makes it possible to clean and strengthen the channel of manifestation and personal will. Its purifying properties come from its natural smoky quartz energy, combined with the stimulating energy of the Fire element it carries. This crystal stimulates the chakras from the first to the third (basic, sacral and solar plexus). These are the points at which the high-frequency energies of the emotional and spiritual planes manifest within the low-frequency realms of physicality. In other words, these chakras are where the energy becomes physical. For this reason, they are powerful points in the person's energy system for manifestation and creative work. These areas have everything to do with our perception of deserving what we want and taking the initiatives to create it. Natural Citrine causes blockages in these areas to become apparent so that they can be eliminated. It not only stimulates these areas, but also clears any blockages of energy, allowing free flow through the manifestation channel.
Spiritual: Natural Citrine is the great manifester, allowing the channel of manifestation to be purified and to bring divine energy into form through intention and action. It assists the person in maintaining his orientation when the path presents difficulties, or when obstacles appear in his path.
Emotional: This crystal helps the person to overcome difficulties, maintaining the effort in the midst of adversity and acting decisively to solve challenging situations. It helps the person to overcome feelings of not deserving abundance.
Physical: Natural Citrine improves endurance and physical energy, supports the endocrine system and encourages proper metabolism.
Affirmation: I open myself to the inspiration of my creative imagination, and by the strength of my will, in line with the divine will, I manifest my dreams.


Pyrite is excellent for improving the power of the Solar Plexus chakra in both men and women. It produces an immediate increase in vitality and gives the person the courage to perform challenging tasks in the physical world. It improves the power of the will, helping the person to overcome bad habits and creating new patterns of health and positive energy. It helps a person to overcome fear and anxiety, and also to establish a "can do" attitude about anything he decides to try. It can remove negative influences on the person's environment and give him the courage to banish such influences from his life. Pyrite can be a useful tool to balance polarities and create harmony within the auric field. In body layouts, it should be used on the solar plexus, hands and basic chakra. This will anchor the person's auric field firmly in the body, in proper alignment for the optimal functioning of the spiritual self in the physical world. In meditation, holding a Pyrite in each hand can bring an instant of rebalancing and a refreshing burst of energy. When you can't take a nap, hold a Pyrite. It increases mental clarity and focus, making it an ideal stone for students.
Spiritual: Pyrite helps a person to integrate high frequency energies into their physical body. It is an ally to help a person act to create abundance in his life. Its frequency is useful for stimulating creative energy and promoting healthy sexual expression.
Emotional: Pyrite encourages the person to overcome fears and act. It can be used to help bring the person out of his shell and encourage him to be more dynamic and confident.
Physical: The sulfur component of Pyrite helps to purify the body of infections and stimulate proper endocrine function. It is excellent for fighting male impotence and infertility. Its iron component focuses on the power of Pyrite in the blood and tissues, allowing it to be used to fight skin diseases, fungal infections and cell invasion by viruses.
Affirmation: My will is strong, and I use it to manifest my most benevolent hopes and desires.


#Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline is one of the most popular stones for spiritual purposes. It is an ally in the psychic protection of anyone who must work or live in challenging spaces or circumstances. Meditating with it can keep the person's auric field free from imbalances, even in the presence of destructive energies. We all know that we often encounter individuals or situations that emanate “bad vibes”. In fact, sometimes we can transmit them. Black Tourmaline crystals act as ethereal vacuum cleaners, cleaning the person and whoever is around them from negativity and disharmony. In addition, where such influences are not an issue, Black Tourmaline can provide high levels of purification that serve to raise a person's consciousness. This purifying influence can also echo in the physical field, benefiting in the liberation of negative thoughts, anxieties, anger and ideas of personal worthlessness. The Black Tourmaline has a terrifying function, useful to create a grounding circuit with the Earth's electromagnetic field, being of great help in the inner strengthening in favor of energy balance.
Spiritual: The Black Tourmaline provides a grounded path for light to enter the earth plane.
Emotional: This ally helps a person to stop obsessive or compulsive behaviors and eliminate chronic afflictions and anxieties.
Physical: Black Tourmaline helps to purify the body of toxins and waste. It can help in cleaning heavy metals and environmental pollutants in the body.
Affirmation: I expel all negative ties, inside and outside. I am purified, grounded and centered on the Earth.
#Tiger Eye
Tigre's Eye is a solar stone of vitality, practicality and physical action. It stimulates the root chakra and the solar plexus, helping the person to act affectionately in response to the needs and challenges of physical life, and to remain grounded, calm and centered, regardless of external or internal situations. Like a golden ray stone, the Tiger's Eye can help a person make contact with the vibrating realm of Christ consciousness. Meditation with this stone can help a person to enter a state in which he resides as a point of perception within an atmosphere of "warm golden dust", a place permeated by unconditional love and compassion. When the person returns, he does not simply wish to "float around" in the ensuing happiness, instead he wants to act informed by that awareness that will bring his energies more fully into the physical world. As it is a balance stone, it allows the person to find the harmonious center between all types of polarities. It helps the person to see the two sides in disagreement. It is an excellent stone for professional mediators. Those experiencing difficult negotiations, such as divorce or custody issues, are encouraged to take a Tiger's Eye with them.
Spiritual: The Tiger's Eye teaches the balance between polarities, and the underlying unity behind apparent oppositions. It helps to balance the physical and the spiritual, and to update the Spirit through worldly tasks.
Emotional: Tiger's Eye helps those who tend to go to extremes to find balance in their emotional lives. It can help to create harmony between people with different points of view, religious beliefs and approaches to life. It is an excellent ally for bringing harmony to families and relationships where differences of opinion or expression are causing discord.
Physical: It is a blood fortifier, supporting general vitality. It strengthens the endocrine system and helps to bring the person's hormones and biochemistry into balance.
Affirmation: I act with confidence, clarity, balance, sincerity, enthusiasm and strength.
Of all the gems, the Emerald is the purest and most crystalline emanation of the green ray, the color of the heart chakra. This chakra is at the center of our Physical selves, and it is our center on many other levels as well. The Emerald is the stone that represents the most purely activated heart chakra energy patterns. It is the stone that helps a person to live and act from the level of the heart, offering unconditional love and compassion in everyday life and relationships, opening it up to receive love from others and purifying the channel for its connection with love divine. This stone can also help a person to heal "broken hearts" and remember to give love to themselves and others. An open heart allows the cornucopia of universal blessings to flow into one's life, which is perhaps why the Emerald is also known as the stone of prosperity. Using Emerald helps to tune a person's vibrational patterns with the spectrum of abundance, allowing the person to attract what he needs and desires. The Emerald is also a stone of courage - another emotion that emanates from a vigorous and open heart.
Spiritual: links the person with the frequency of divine love and compassion and the true appreciation of all their experiences and creations. It is powerful for shifting from scarcity awareness to prosperity awareness, developing the confidence that the Universe will provide for all your needs. It allows the person to develop gratitude for perceiving and receiving the gifts of the Divine. The Emerald connects the personal heart with the energy of divine love.
Emotional: This crystal is a wonderful Emotional remedy. It allows the person to show his compassionate and kind nature without fear of vulnerability. It encourages a person to trust the divine in all things. Esmeralda can help overcome feelings of being unworthy, fear of scarcity and abandonment. It encourages acceptance of others without judgment or imposition of their views on reality.
Physical: a strong remedy for the heart and can help the Physical heart to recover from all types of imbalances and diseases.
Affirmation: Through love and compassion, all things are healed and the blessing flows freely
Amazonite is a stone of harmony, both within the being and among people. She is a truth teller and peacemaker, helping the person to communicate his truth, thoughts and feelings without being overly emotional. It is the first step towards both inner and outer peace. The second step is activated by the awakening by the Amazonite of compassion, by the stimulation of the heart chakra. Once the person has expressed his truth, it is necessary to assume the other person's points of view to achieve harmony, and Amazonite makes this process easier. Meditation with Amazonite makes everything more conscious, so that the person can hear and integrate all aspects of himself. As a stone of truth, one can trust the visions, dreams and intuitions that arise when working with Amazonite. This stone can also strengthen us by manifesting our dreams and desires. It amplifies our intentions and, by working through the throat chakra, these intentions must be spoken aloud. Holding an Amazonite while saying out loud what you want to create can powerfully increase a person's ability to fulfill their desire.
Spiritual: Spiritually, the Amazonite helps the person to communicate truths and high knowledge. It is the stone of truth, helping a person to realize the truth in himself and in others. It assists in the development of discernment and energy limits.
Emotional: On an emotional level, Amazonite helps people to establish appropriate boundaries both internally (discipline) and externally. It helps the person to move beyond the fear of confrontation or judgment, giving them greater freedom to act in line with their greater truth and integrity. It encourages you to walk in right relationships and to speak and live your truth for the greater good. It helps the person to acquire self-knowledge and define their essential values ​​and beliefs.
Physical: Helps in the physical cure of many diseases. It is useful for cell regeneration and healing after trauma and injury. It is an excellent stone to use against gout and arthritis. It is useful in preventing hair loss and helping to repair brittle hair and nails. It can help to balance the thyroid and adrenal glands, especially when these glands are overloaded by excessive stress and repression.
Affirmation: I speak and live my greatest truth, and I call for its manifestation in the world.

#Green Quartz
Optimism for life. Go ahead with confidence for new situations: job changes, home changes, school, relationships or Spiritual focus. It promotes personal assistance to accept challenging issues such as aging, illness or your own mortality. It is not so much a stone of resignation or  acceptance, but a facilitator to face anything without losing balance. This stone brings with it a feeling of lightness, even humor, while helping to deal with the life up and downs.
Spiritual: it helps to persevere during many times when nothing seems to happen.
Emotional: it allows the person to look at the bright side of difficult issues. It helps to clean and strengthen the Emotional body and the heart. It helps the person to eliminate links with what is obsolete and to be present in his experiences.
Physical: it instills life's budget and helps in rebuilding depleted energy reserves. Green Quartz can be a "good luck" stone and recommended for those who wish to manifest great prosperity. This stone encourages face philosophically the changes and see the challenge of life as an opportunity for growth in a new direction. Helps to find hope, optimism and pleasure in everyday life. Help to keep focused on the Heart to navigate peacefully by hard Emotional trends. Helps the disposition to remove past relationships or past life situations and to accept change, growth and renovation. Helps to heal and regulate the heart and circulatory system. Stimulates cell repair, renewal and healing in General. It can help babies and slow-growing children to blossom. Stimulates life force, increasing Physical and vibrational vitality.
Affirmation: I go ahead with optimism, confidence and renewed vitality!


[Research information in "The Book of Stones" by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian - Ed 2013, Madras Editora Ltda.]
Technical characteristics:
Materials: Resin, Copper, Brass, Quartz, Pyrite, Citrine, Onyx, Black Tourmaline and Tiger's Eye
Dimensions: 27 cm  Height x 17cm Base