Of all the gems, the Emerald is the purest and most crystalline emanation of the green ray, the color of the heart chakra. This chakra is at the center of our physical selves, and it is our center on many other levels as well. The Emerald is the stone that represents the most purely activated heart chakra energy patterns. It is the stone that helps a person to live and act from the level of the heart, offering unconditional love and compassion in daily life and relationships, opening it up to receive love from others and purifying the channel for its connection with love divine. This stone can also help a person heal "broken hearts" and remember to give love to yourself and others. An open heart allows the cornucopia of universal blessings to flow into one's life, which is perhaps why the Emerald is also known as the stone of prosperity. Using Emerald helps to tune a person's vibrational patterns with the spectrum of abundance, allowing the person to attract what he needs and desires. The Emerald is also a stone of courage - another emotion that emanates from a vigorous and open heart.

Spiritual: Emerald links the person with the frequency of divine love and compassion and the true appreciation of all their experiences and creations. It is powerful to move from scarcity awareness to prosperity awareness, developing the confidence that the Universe will provide for all your needs. It allows the person to develop gratitude for perceiving and receiving the gifts of the Divine. The Emerald connects the personal heart with the energy of divine love.
Emotional: This crystal is a wonderful emotional remedy. It allows the person to show his compassionate and kind nature without fear of vulnerability. It encourages a person to trust the divine in all things. Esmeralda can help overcome feelings of being unworthy, fear of scarcity and abandonment. It encourages acceptance of others without judgment or imposition of their views on reality.
Physical: The Emerald is a strong remedy for the heart and can help the physical heart to recover from all types of imbalances and diseases.
Affirmation: Through love and compassion, all things are healed and the blessing flows freely.


Pyrite is excellent for improving the power of the Solar Plexus chakra in both men and women. It produces an immediate increase in vitality and gives the person the courage to perform challenging tasks in the physical world. It improves the power of the will, helping the person to overcome bad habits and creating new patterns of health and positive energy. It helps the person to overcome fear and anxiety, and also to establish a "can do" attitude about anything he decides to try. It can remove negative influences on the person's environment and give him the courage to banish such influences from his life. Pyrite can be a useful tool to balance polarities and create harmony within the auric field. In body layouts, it should be used on the solar plexus, hands and basic chakra. This will anchor the person's auric field firmly in the body, in proper alignment for the optimal functioning of the spiritual self in the physical world. In meditation, holding a Pyrite in each hand can bring an instant of rebalancing and a refreshing burst of energy. When you can't take a nap, hold a Pyrite. It increases mental clarity and focus, making it an ideal stone for students.

Spiritual: Pyrite helps a person to integrate high frequency energies into their physical body. It is an ally to help a person act to create abundance in his life. Its frequency is useful for stimulating creative energy and promoting healthy sexual expression.
Emotional: Pyrite encourages the person to overcome fears and act. It can be used to help bring the person out of his shell and encourage him to be more dynamic and confident.
Physical: The sulfur component of Pyrite helps to purify the body of infections and stimulate proper endocrine function. It is excellent for fighting male impotence and infertility. Its iron component focuses on the power of Pyrite in the blood and tissues, allowing it to be used to fight skin diseases, fungal infections and cell invasion by viruses.
Affirmation: My will is strong, and I use it to manifest my most benevolent hopes and desires.


 Sunstone a stone of personal power, freedom and expanded consciousness. Among all the stones on Earth, only this one really reflects the qualities of sunlight - openness, benevolence, warmth, strength, mental clarity and the willingness and ability to distribute blessings over others. These are also the desired qualities of leadership, and Sunstone can ignite the fire of leadership within those who use or carry it. Those who feel the call to lead may find that Sunstone helps them to find the conviction and self-discipline to go ahead. Those who are safe from fear and insecurity may find that Sunstone dissipates the feeling of unworthiness that can prevent a person from being wholly who he is. Sunstone emanates a rich and positive spectrum of energies, and when a person is in tune with it, he sometimes feels that a cornucopia of enrichments has entered his life. It engenders a feeling of abundance regarding all your needs and desires and, in fact, it can help a person to manifest prosperity and also the acquisition of knowledge and attain wisdom. Meditating with a Sunstone in the third eye (frontal chakra) will help the person to see their highest path of action in any situation. Sunstone energizes the second and third chakras, stimulating not only leadership and will, but also creativity and sexuality. The mixture of these energies can bring an exceptional love for adventures, fun and innovative experimentation in your romantic life and / or artistic expression. This is a combination of great exuberance that one should feel very pleasant. It is an excellent stone to use in negotiations, thanks to its ability to reveal the true motivations of others and expose dishonesty.

Spiritual: Sunstone teaches people to use their talents and abilities in the service of others. It is a stone of abundance, helping people to act to manifest their desires in physicality. Sunstone emanates the solar ray, attuning the person with the light and energy of the great Central Sun.
Emotional: Sunstone warms and stimulates the emotional body. It can help a person turn anger into energy, criticism into joy. It raises the vibrations of emotional patterns.
Physical: Sunstone warms the body, stimulating metabolism, digestion and vitality. It helps balance the endocrine system and reproductive problems due to hormonal imbalances.
Affirmation: I demand my true place of leadership, giving and receiving abundant blessings.


Technical characteristics:

Materials: Resin, Copper, Brass, Emerald, Pyrite and Sunstone
Dimensions: 4 cm

Petal Amulet | 3 Powers - Prosperity

$27.78 USD
Petal Amulet | 3 Powers - Prosperity $27.78 USD
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Of all the gems, the Emerald is the purest and most crystalline emanation of the green ray, the color of the heart chakra. This chakra is at the center of our physical selves, and it is our center on many other levels as well. The Emerald is the stone that represents the most purely activated heart chakra energy patterns. It is the stone that helps a person to live and act from the level of the heart, offering unconditional love and compassion in daily life and relationships, opening it up to receive love from others and purifying the channel for its connection with love divine. This stone can also help a person heal "broken hearts" and remember to give love to yourself and others. An open heart allows the cornucopia of universal blessings to flow into one's life, which is perhaps why the Emerald is also known as the stone of prosperity. Using Emerald helps to tune a person's vibrational patterns with the spectrum of abundance, allowing the person to attract what he needs and desires. The Emerald is also a stone of courage - another emotion that emanates from a vigorous and open heart.

Spiritual: Emerald links the person with the frequency of divine love and compassion and the true appreciation of all their experiences and creations. It is powerful to move from scarcity awareness to prosperity awareness, developing the confidence that the Universe will provide for all your needs. It allows the person to develop gratitude for perceiving and receiving the gifts of the Divine. The Emerald connects the personal heart with the energy of divine love.
Emotional: This crystal is a wonderful emotional remedy. It allows the person to show his compassionate and kind nature without fear of vulnerability. It encourages a person to trust the divine in all things. Esmeralda can help overcome feelings of being unworthy, fear of scarcity and abandonment. It encourages acceptance of others without judgment or imposition of their views on reality.
Physical: The Emerald is a strong remedy for the heart and can help the physical heart to recover from all types of imbalances and diseases.
Affirmation: Through love and compassion, all things are healed and the blessing flows freely.


Pyrite is excellent for improving the power of the Solar Plexus chakra in both men and women. It produces an immediate increase in vitality and gives the person the courage to perform challenging tasks in the physical world. It improves the power of the will, helping the person to overcome bad habits and creating new patterns of health and positive energy. It helps the person to overcome fear and anxiety, and also to establish a "can do" attitude about anything he decides to try. It can remove negative influences on the person's environment and give him the courage to banish such influences from his life. Pyrite can be a useful tool to balance polarities and create harmony within the auric field. In body layouts, it should be used on the solar plexus, hands and basic chakra. This will anchor the person's auric field firmly in the body, in proper alignment for the optimal functioning of the spiritual self in the physical world. In meditation, holding a Pyrite in each hand can bring an instant of rebalancing and a refreshing burst of energy. When you can't take a nap, hold a Pyrite. It increases mental clarity and focus, making it an ideal stone for students.

Spiritual: Pyrite helps a person to integrate high frequency energies into their physical body. It is an ally to help a person act to create abundance in his life. Its frequency is useful for stimulating creative energy and promoting healthy sexual expression.
Emotional: Pyrite encourages the person to overcome fears and act. It can be used to help bring the person out of his shell and encourage him to be more dynamic and confident.
Physical: The sulfur component of Pyrite helps to purify the body of infections and stimulate proper endocrine function. It is excellent for fighting male impotence and infertility. Its iron component focuses on the power of Pyrite in the blood and tissues, allowing it to be used to fight skin diseases, fungal infections and cell invasion by viruses.
Affirmation: My will is strong, and I use it to manifest my most benevolent hopes and desires.


 Sunstone a stone of personal power, freedom and expanded consciousness. Among all the stones on Earth, only this one really reflects the qualities of sunlight - openness, benevolence, warmth, strength, mental clarity and the willingness and ability to distribute blessings over others. These are also the desired qualities of leadership, and Sunstone can ignite the fire of leadership within those who use or carry it. Those who feel the call to lead may find that Sunstone helps them to find the conviction and self-discipline to go ahead. Those who are safe from fear and insecurity may find that Sunstone dissipates the feeling of unworthiness that can prevent a person from being wholly who he is. Sunstone emanates a rich and positive spectrum of energies, and when a person is in tune with it, he sometimes feels that a cornucopia of enrichments has entered his life. It engenders a feeling of abundance regarding all your needs and desires and, in fact, it can help a person to manifest prosperity and also the acquisition of knowledge and attain wisdom. Meditating with a Sunstone in the third eye (frontal chakra) will help the person to see their highest path of action in any situation. Sunstone energizes the second and third chakras, stimulating not only leadership and will, but also creativity and sexuality. The mixture of these energies can bring an exceptional love for adventures, fun and innovative experimentation in your romantic life and / or artistic expression. This is a combination of great exuberance that one should feel very pleasant. It is an excellent stone to use in negotiations, thanks to its ability to reveal the true motivations of others and expose dishonesty.

Spiritual: Sunstone teaches people to use their talents and abilities in the service of others. It is a stone of abundance, helping people to act to manifest their desires in physicality. Sunstone emanates the solar ray, attuning the person with the light and energy of the great Central Sun.
Emotional: Sunstone warms and stimulates the emotional body. It can help a person turn anger into energy, criticism into joy. It raises the vibrations of emotional patterns.
Physical: Sunstone warms the body, stimulating metabolism, digestion and vitality. It helps balance the endocrine system and reproductive problems due to hormonal imbalances.
Affirmation: I demand my true place of leadership, giving and receiving abundant blessings.


Technical characteristics:

Materials: Resin, Copper, Brass, Emerald, Pyrite and Sunstone
Dimensions: 4 cm