#Blue Apatite:

Blue apatite is a purifying influence in the auric field, especially in the mental body - the vibratory level associated with psychic awareness and paranormal abilities. It is stimulating for visionary states and is a good stone to keep in the pillowcase, for lucid dreams and astral travel. The blue apatite can improve the person's experience of "vertical vision", in which one is able to see multiple levels of consciousness operating harmoniously and simultaneously. It is an inspiration stone, capable of making the person more susceptible to insights, in which there is an instant of understanding that crystallizes the answer to long-term problems or doubts. Its vibration attracts the "blue beings" of the celestial regions - be they ETs, guides or divine entities - and allows the person to live with them.

Spiritual: In addition to its applications for exploring other lives and their karmic patterns, blue apatite can be used as a dream stone, accessing the subconscious for creative problem solving.

Emotional: The blue apatite has a very encouraging energy. It can help the person to gain a higher perspective in situations, so that he does not become mired in emotional reactions. It is useful for those who are afraid of heights or falling due to past life experiences.

Physical: Blue Apatite can be used to relieve headaches and stimulate vision. It is especially good for eye problems based on lack of eye movement, such as decreased vision by constant computer work. It can also help those who have vertigo or dizziness.

Affirmation: I open my inner eyes to the realms of occult knowledge.

 Selenite opens quickly and activates the frontal, coronary and star chakras of the soul above the head. The energy intensity made available by Selenita is greater than the other stones of the upper chakras. A rod of Selenite aimed at the third eye sends energy that can be felt as a breath of wind passing through the forehead and exiting the top of the head. Selenite is quick and efficient in cleaning the auric field, being able to eliminate energies or congested negativity from the person's physical and ethereal body. Crystal therapists are advised to work with Selenite sticks, ideal for purification and all types of energy cleaning. When the person attaches other stones to the Selenite rods, their energies are amplified many times. This stone can elevate awareness to the highest levels of inner experience, making it possible for a person to consciously meet his spiritual guides and guardian angels. It facilitates the experience of receiving advice and information from your guides in the form of "interior films". In such experiences, the person closes his eyes in meditation while lying with a Selenite stick in the heart chakra pointing to the head. If possible, another Selenite rod should be placed on the floor, or on a pillow, with the tip just touching the crown chakra. As a person enters a state of meditation, he may see one or more guides, usually in forms that symbolize something about the message. By placing a Selenite stick on the back, at the point of the length of the spine, the person can achieve an energetic alignment of the vertebrae and also of the chakras. Selenite is an excellent stone for building energy grids in the house or outside the residence. Once this door has been opened consciously, the Higher Self is free to establish itself by grounding an individual's lightbody, potentiating its next step of evolution as a human / light being.
Spiritual: Selenite's energy clears the ethereal blocks and debris, allowing a free flow of energy through the upper chakras - particularly the ethereal chakras that facilitate connection and communion with the Higher Self.
Emotional: Selenite's calcium and sulfur base stimulates the emotional body and compels the person to move forward with their life. It helps to overcome stagnation and prevents the person from succumbing to the illusions of "security" and "comfort".
Physical: Selenite clears or eliminates blockages or densities in the energy field. Selenite rods can be used to direct high frequency energy to the body to stimulate physical healing.
Affirmation: I move in union with my Higher Self and my inner senses are awake.


Amethyst is a crystal widely used for spiritual protection and purification. It can help a person to control self-indulgence and abandon bad habits, it can help a person to stop smoking, drinking or using drugs. It stimulates the crown chakra and is a facilitator for meditation, helping to quiet your thoughts and move to higher states of consciousness. It clears the energy field of negative influences and connections and can therefore facilitate the creation of an energetic "shield" - a field of spiritual Light around the body that repels negativity in its environment. Placing Amethyst crystals in the home, meditation room, car, work, etc., can give the feeling that you are surrounded and protected by a "bubble of light". For this reason, Amethyst is especially recommended for everyone! If someone is sick and putting an Amethyst in the room, it will help to keep the healing space clean. Using as a pendant provides us with a state of balance and well-being. For spiritual protection, Amethyst works very well when combined with Moldavite. Amethyst generates its characteristic "bubbles of light", while Moldavite raises a person's vibrational frequencies to a level where he simply does not resonate with the low energies of negative and dark entities.

Spiritual: Amethyst facilitates meditation and engenders communion and communication with the person's guides, mentors and angels. It helps us to assume our spiritual power as creations of the divine being. It opens and clears the frontal and coronary chakras, which accelerates the development of psychic and intuitive skills.

Emotional: Amethyst can help a person to identify the root causes behind the behaviors, habits and emotional patterns that create imbalances and illnesses. It can help those who are inclined to dissociate and those who make themselves victims to recognize their inherent power and their ability to align their physical reality with their spiritual purpose. Amethyst is useful for those who do not feel they are native to the terrestrial plane, for those who experience constant nostalgia when they look at the stars and feel alone, as this crystal helps to harmonize and balance the environment, raising the vibration of the place and making the person feel at home.

Physical: This crystal has been used to counteract vicious behaviors and thought patterns. It helps to balance the nervous system and the brain. It can be used to help with symptoms of ringing in the ear, nervous disorders or brain imbalances. Amethyst energy also assists in blood oxygenation, helping to improve the assimilation of oxygen by the body and the elimination of gaseous waste, especially in combination with other stones that contain a lot of iron, such as Hematite and Magnetite.

Affirmation: I am purified, uplifted and protected by my connection with the Divine.

Dimensions: 19cm Height x 12cm Base


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#Blue Apatite:

Blue apatite is a purifying influence in the auric field, especially in the mental body - the vibratory level associated with psychic awareness and paranormal abilities. It is stimulating for visionary states and is a good stone to keep in the pillowcase, for lucid dreams and astral travel. The blue apatite can improve the person's experience of "vertical vision", in which one is able to see multiple levels of consciousness operating harmoniously and simultaneously. It is an inspiration stone, capable of making the person more susceptible to insights, in which there is an instant of understanding that crystallizes the answer to long-term problems or doubts. Its vibration attracts the "blue beings" of the celestial regions - be they ETs, guides or divine entities - and allows the person to live with them.

Spiritual: In addition to its applications for exploring other lives and their karmic patterns, blue apatite can be used as a dream stone, accessing the subconscious for creative problem solving.

Emotional: The blue apatite has a very encouraging energy. It can help the person to gain a higher perspective in situations, so that he does not become mired in emotional reactions. It is useful for those who are afraid of heights or falling due to past life experiences.

Physical: Blue Apatite can be used to relieve headaches and stimulate vision. It is especially good for eye problems based on lack of eye movement, such as decreased vision by constant computer work. It can also help those who have vertigo or dizziness.

Affirmation: I open my inner eyes to the realms of occult knowledge.

 Selenite opens quickly and activates the frontal, coronary and star chakras of the soul above the head. The energy intensity made available by Selenita is greater than the other stones of the upper chakras. A rod of Selenite aimed at the third eye sends energy that can be felt as a breath of wind passing through the forehead and exiting the top of the head. Selenite is quick and efficient in cleaning the auric field, being able to eliminate energies or congested negativity from the person's physical and ethereal body. Crystal therapists are advised to work with Selenite sticks, ideal for purification and all types of energy cleaning. When the person attaches other stones to the Selenite rods, their energies are amplified many times. This stone can elevate awareness to the highest levels of inner experience, making it possible for a person to consciously meet his spiritual guides and guardian angels. It facilitates the experience of receiving advice and information from your guides in the form of "interior films". In such experiences, the person closes his eyes in meditation while lying with a Selenite stick in the heart chakra pointing to the head. If possible, another Selenite rod should be placed on the floor, or on a pillow, with the tip just touching the crown chakra. As a person enters a state of meditation, he may see one or more guides, usually in forms that symbolize something about the message. By placing a Selenite stick on the back, at the point of the length of the spine, the person can achieve an energetic alignment of the vertebrae and also of the chakras. Selenite is an excellent stone for building energy grids in the house or outside the residence. Once this door has been opened consciously, the Higher Self is free to establish itself by grounding an individual's lightbody, potentiating its next step of evolution as a human / light being.
Spiritual: Selenite's energy clears the ethereal blocks and debris, allowing a free flow of energy through the upper chakras - particularly the ethereal chakras that facilitate connection and communion with the Higher Self.
Emotional: Selenite's calcium and sulfur base stimulates the emotional body and compels the person to move forward with their life. It helps to overcome stagnation and prevents the person from succumbing to the illusions of "security" and "comfort".
Physical: Selenite clears or eliminates blockages or densities in the energy field. Selenite rods can be used to direct high frequency energy to the body to stimulate physical healing.
Affirmation: I move in union with my Higher Self and my inner senses are awake.


Amethyst is a crystal widely used for spiritual protection and purification. It can help a person to control self-indulgence and abandon bad habits, it can help a person to stop smoking, drinking or using drugs. It stimulates the crown chakra and is a facilitator for meditation, helping to quiet your thoughts and move to higher states of consciousness. It clears the energy field of negative influences and connections and can therefore facilitate the creation of an energetic "shield" - a field of spiritual Light around the body that repels negativity in its environment. Placing Amethyst crystals in the home, meditation room, car, work, etc., can give the feeling that you are surrounded and protected by a "bubble of light". For this reason, Amethyst is especially recommended for everyone! If someone is sick and putting an Amethyst in the room, it will help to keep the healing space clean. Using as a pendant provides us with a state of balance and well-being. For spiritual protection, Amethyst works very well when combined with Moldavite. Amethyst generates its characteristic "bubbles of light", while Moldavite raises a person's vibrational frequencies to a level where he simply does not resonate with the low energies of negative and dark entities.

Spiritual: Amethyst facilitates meditation and engenders communion and communication with the person's guides, mentors and angels. It helps us to assume our spiritual power as creations of the divine being. It opens and clears the frontal and coronary chakras, which accelerates the development of psychic and intuitive skills.

Emotional: Amethyst can help a person to identify the root causes behind the behaviors, habits and emotional patterns that create imbalances and illnesses. It can help those who are inclined to dissociate and those who make themselves victims to recognize their inherent power and their ability to align their physical reality with their spiritual purpose. Amethyst is useful for those who do not feel they are native to the terrestrial plane, for those who experience constant nostalgia when they look at the stars and feel alone, as this crystal helps to harmonize and balance the environment, raising the vibration of the place and making the person feel at home.

Physical: This crystal has been used to counteract vicious behaviors and thought patterns. It helps to balance the nervous system and the brain. It can be used to help with symptoms of ringing in the ear, nervous disorders or brain imbalances. Amethyst energy also assists in blood oxygenation, helping to improve the assimilation of oxygen by the body and the elimination of gaseous waste, especially in combination with other stones that contain a lot of iron, such as Hematite and Magnetite.

Affirmation: I am purified, uplifted and protected by my connection with the Divine.

Dimensions: 19cm Height x 12cm Base