Since ancient times, fascination with stars has motivated humanity to wander through thoughts by sharing myths, stories, as well as countless theories about constellations and the universe. Uniting the creativity and inspiration of the stars that illuminate our night sky, this new Cheops with crystalline core, vibrates expanding the forces of the crystals that activate the upper chakras providing the opening of the inner vision, the increase of mental abilities, the access to the subconscious , improved mental performance and deepened intuition. The golden plates on the faces of the pyramid direct the energies towards the highest point of the orgonite reflecting the sunlight in all directions. The metallic structures inside the piece direct the energies of energetic grounding so that meditations, energizations and even nights of sleep are firmly anchored in this great journey through the beauty of the cosmos.


Sodalite is a stone of insight, helping one to penetrate paradoxes and contradictions to form a new synthesis of thought. It improves the mental powers of analysis, intuition, observation and creativity, and is stimulating to the person's latent genius. It facilitates self-discipline, efficiency, organization and structure in research and other mental activities. This is one of the stones of the deep journey. It provides insight into the self and a dispassionate assessment of motivations, strengths, weaknesses, desires, gifts and patterns of personal destiny. If the person is doing deep meditations or shamanic journeys, Sodalite can be an important ally. It can reinforce the person's "witness" conscience, making them more able to see and remember the scenes and symbols presented. It brings a kind of stubborn courage inside the person, making him more likely to stand his ground during difficulties or painful aspects of his path to the source. It stimulates psychic vision and understanding on many levels, brings moments of "haha!" sparkling in that she sees the patterns that link the inner and outer worlds and the events that arise in both places at the same time. It also helps intuitive readers to access their clients' personalities and energy patterns. It helps to open the subconscious, helping the person to reminisce and heal past hurts and receive symbolic images of the wise part of the self that communicates without words. It removes the person from the pressures and torments of life and allows him to plunge deeply into the subconscious and unconscious minds. It can be used to help people remember their dreams or practice lucid dreaming.

Spiritual: Sodalite helps people to understand where they find their way. It acts as a "light" for personal travel, helping you to immerse yourself in the experience of spiritual growth, without obsessing over the "magic tricks" that may arise with your awakening. For example, he could open up the persona to a media perception and to a similar time to avoid being selfish about his psychic abilities.

Emotional: Sodalita cultivates the detachment from worries and torments of everyday life. It can reduce stress and anxiety to allow the person to see their reality from a more serene and elevated perspective.

Physical: Sodalite can be used to help adjust the arterial pressure, reduce fluid retention and improve cellular hydration.

Affirmation: My mind is completely stripped to all levels and works to its maximum capacity.

Lazuli Lapis

 The Lazuli Lapis activates the psychic centers of the third eye, allowing the person to develop an improved intuition and have access to spiritual guidance. It is a stone of visionary perception, bringing new information to the mind in images instead of words. Improves intellectual ability, making the person a better reader and teacher. It is a stone of truth and a stimulating influence for the throat chakra - so it helps one to both discern and speak the truth in all situations.

Spiritual: The Lazuli Lapis awakens the third eye and improves the person's ability to view and receive guidance or visual information. It improves meditative travel and facilitates the vision of past and alternative lives. It is a stone of clairvoyance and prediction.

Emotional: This crystal helps a person move his or her consciousness beyond the mundane and allows him to identify habits, patterns and lessons that he may have difficulty consciously perceiving and which may be blocking him from making spiritual progress.

Physical: The Lazuli Lapis helps the person to identify the karmic roots of diseases. It can be particularly useful in identifying habits and patterns of thought and emotions that sabotage your healing.

Affirmation: I demand the sovereignty and power of my highest self, and I align myself with my highest truth.

Natural Citrine carries a powerful frequency that makes it possible to clean and strengthen the channel of manifestation and personal will. Its purifying properties come from its natural smoky quartz energy, combined with the stimulating energy of the Fire element it carries. This crystal stimulates the chakras from the first to the third (basic, sacral and solar plexus). These are the points at which the high-frequency energies of the emotional and spiritual planes manifest within the low-frequency realms of physicality. In other words, these chakras are where the energy becomes physical. For this reason, they are powerful points in the person's energy system for manifestation and creative work. These areas have everything to do with our perception of deserving what we want and taking the initiatives to create it. Natural Citrine causes blockages in these areas to become apparent so that they can be eliminated. It not only stimulates these areas, but also clears any blockages of energy, allowing free flow through the manifestation channel.

Spiritual: Natural Citrine is the great manifester, allowing the channel of manifestation to be purified and to bring divine energy into form through intention and action. It assists the person in maintaining his orientation when the path presents difficulties, or when obstacles appear in his path.

Emotional: This crystal helps the person to overcome difficulties, maintaining the effort in the midst of adversity and acting decisively to solve challenging situations. It helps the person to overcome feelings of not deserving abundance.

Physical: Natural Citrus improves endurance and physical energy, supports the endocrine system and encourages proper metabolism.

Affirmation: I open myself to the inspiration of my creative imagination, and by the strength of my will, in line with the divine will, I manifest my dreams.


Pyrite is excellent for improving the power of the Solar Plexus chakra in both men and women. It produces an immediate increase in vitality and gives the person the courage to perform challenging tasks in the physical world. It improves the power of the will, helping the person to overcome bad habits and creating new patterns of health and positive energy. It helps a person to overcome fear and anxiety, and also to establish a "can do" attitude about anything he decides to try. It can remove negative influences on the person's environment and give him the courage to banish such influences from his life. Pyrite can be a useful tool to balance polarities and create harmony within the auric field. In body layouts, it should be used on the solar plexus, hands and basic chakra. This will anchor the person's auric field firmly in the body, in proper alignment for the optimal functioning of the spiritual self in the physical world. In meditation, holding a Pyrite in each hand can bring an instant of rebalancing and a refreshing burst of energy. When you can't take a nap, hold a Pyrite. It increases mental clarity and focus, making it an ideal stone for students.

Spiritual: Pyrite helps a person to integrate high frequency energies into their physical body. It is an ally to help a person act to create abundance in his life. Its frequency is useful for stimulating creative energy and promoting healthy sexual expression.

Emotional: Pyrite encourages the person to overcome fears and act. It can be used to help bring the person out of his shell and encourage him to be more dynamic and confident.

Physical: The sulfur component of Pyrite helps to purify the body of infections and stimulate proper endocrine function. It is excellent for fighting male impotence and infertility. Its iron component focuses on the power of Pyrite in the blood and tissues, allowing it to be used to fight skin diseases, fungal infections and cell invasion by viruses.

Affirmation: My will is strong, and I use it to manifest my most benevolent hopes and desires.

Gem of magic, awakens the perception of innate magical powers. Suitable stone to facilitate the improvement of magical skills. It is interdimentional, it emanates energy that helps the conscious personal penetration in the veil between the awakened world and the many  omains and plans of the inner perception. Stone of adventure offers the opportunity to embark on multiple trips of self-discovery. It is said that a tyrant wants power over others, and a true magician wants power over himself. When using or working with Labradorite, any tendency towards control over others occurs at the same time that it is deeply linked to the knowledge that self-mastery is the path to true fulfillment. As a pendant, the constant personal perception of the multiple layers of reality is accentuated. In rings, it can improve the receiving and sending of impulses of all varieties of magic. In earrings, it can especially improve the "hearing" of messages from your spirit guides. On the third eye (frontal chakra) in meditation, it can facilitate the visionary experiences of the future, the past and the many inner realms of time and eternity
Spiritual: assists in personal movement between realities and in connection with invisible kingdoms. It improves psychic abilities and increases the personal capacity to visualize and perceive through the inner eye a stone particularly useful for magical and ritual work: it acts as a psychic protection for those who travel and serve in other levels of reality.
Emotional: it can help in the discovery of unconscious and subconscious belief patterns that generate unpleasant Emotional states. In the clear personal awareness of sources of beliefs, inner dialogues and egoic influences on the person's habitual Emotional states.
Physical: can help in revealing the causes of "mysterious diseases". It can show the patterns that created disease and amplify healing thoughts and personal prayers.
Affirmation: I summon the magic of the highest perception.

Dimensions: 20cm high x 30cm base

Quéops Stargate Solarium #2

$622.22 USD
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Quéops Stargate Solarium #2 $622.22 USD
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Since ancient times, fascination with stars has motivated humanity to wander through thoughts by sharing myths, stories, as well as countless theories about constellations and the universe. Uniting the creativity and inspiration of the stars that illuminate our night sky, this new Cheops with crystalline core, vibrates expanding the forces of the crystals that activate the upper chakras providing the opening of the inner vision, the increase of mental abilities, the access to the subconscious , improved mental performance and deepened intuition. The golden plates on the faces of the pyramid direct the energies towards the highest point of the orgonite reflecting the sunlight in all directions. The metallic structures inside the piece direct the energies of energetic grounding so that meditations, energizations and even nights of sleep are firmly anchored in this great journey through the beauty of the cosmos.


Sodalite is a stone of insight, helping one to penetrate paradoxes and contradictions to form a new synthesis of thought. It improves the mental powers of analysis, intuition, observation and creativity, and is stimulating to the person's latent genius. It facilitates self-discipline, efficiency, organization and structure in research and other mental activities. This is one of the stones of the deep journey. It provides insight into the self and a dispassionate assessment of motivations, strengths, weaknesses, desires, gifts and patterns of personal destiny. If the person is doing deep meditations or shamanic journeys, Sodalite can be an important ally. It can reinforce the person's "witness" conscience, making them more able to see and remember the scenes and symbols presented. It brings a kind of stubborn courage inside the person, making him more likely to stand his ground during difficulties or painful aspects of his path to the source. It stimulates psychic vision and understanding on many levels, brings moments of "haha!" sparkling in that she sees the patterns that link the inner and outer worlds and the events that arise in both places at the same time. It also helps intuitive readers to access their clients' personalities and energy patterns. It helps to open the subconscious, helping the person to reminisce and heal past hurts and receive symbolic images of the wise part of the self that communicates without words. It removes the person from the pressures and torments of life and allows him to plunge deeply into the subconscious and unconscious minds. It can be used to help people remember their dreams or practice lucid dreaming.

Spiritual: Sodalite helps people to understand where they find their way. It acts as a "light" for personal travel, helping you to immerse yourself in the experience of spiritual growth, without obsessing over the "magic tricks" that may arise with your awakening. For example, he could open up the persona to a media perception and to a similar time to avoid being selfish about his psychic abilities.

Emotional: Sodalita cultivates the detachment from worries and torments of everyday life. It can reduce stress and anxiety to allow the person to see their reality from a more serene and elevated perspective.

Physical: Sodalite can be used to help adjust the arterial pressure, reduce fluid retention and improve cellular hydration.

Affirmation: My mind is completely stripped to all levels and works to its maximum capacity.

Lazuli Lapis

 The Lazuli Lapis activates the psychic centers of the third eye, allowing the person to develop an improved intuition and have access to spiritual guidance. It is a stone of visionary perception, bringing new information to the mind in images instead of words. Improves intellectual ability, making the person a better reader and teacher. It is a stone of truth and a stimulating influence for the throat chakra - so it helps one to both discern and speak the truth in all situations.

Spiritual: The Lazuli Lapis awakens the third eye and improves the person's ability to view and receive guidance or visual information. It improves meditative travel and facilitates the vision of past and alternative lives. It is a stone of clairvoyance and prediction.

Emotional: This crystal helps a person move his or her consciousness beyond the mundane and allows him to identify habits, patterns and lessons that he may have difficulty consciously perceiving and which may be blocking him from making spiritual progress.

Physical: The Lazuli Lapis helps the person to identify the karmic roots of diseases. It can be particularly useful in identifying habits and patterns of thought and emotions that sabotage your healing.

Affirmation: I demand the sovereignty and power of my highest self, and I align myself with my highest truth.

Natural Citrine carries a powerful frequency that makes it possible to clean and strengthen the channel of manifestation and personal will. Its purifying properties come from its natural smoky quartz energy, combined with the stimulating energy of the Fire element it carries. This crystal stimulates the chakras from the first to the third (basic, sacral and solar plexus). These are the points at which the high-frequency energies of the emotional and spiritual planes manifest within the low-frequency realms of physicality. In other words, these chakras are where the energy becomes physical. For this reason, they are powerful points in the person's energy system for manifestation and creative work. These areas have everything to do with our perception of deserving what we want and taking the initiatives to create it. Natural Citrine causes blockages in these areas to become apparent so that they can be eliminated. It not only stimulates these areas, but also clears any blockages of energy, allowing free flow through the manifestation channel.

Spiritual: Natural Citrine is the great manifester, allowing the channel of manifestation to be purified and to bring divine energy into form through intention and action. It assists the person in maintaining his orientation when the path presents difficulties, or when obstacles appear in his path.

Emotional: This crystal helps the person to overcome difficulties, maintaining the effort in the midst of adversity and acting decisively to solve challenging situations. It helps the person to overcome feelings of not deserving abundance.

Physical: Natural Citrus improves endurance and physical energy, supports the endocrine system and encourages proper metabolism.

Affirmation: I open myself to the inspiration of my creative imagination, and by the strength of my will, in line with the divine will, I manifest my dreams.


Pyrite is excellent for improving the power of the Solar Plexus chakra in both men and women. It produces an immediate increase in vitality and gives the person the courage to perform challenging tasks in the physical world. It improves the power of the will, helping the person to overcome bad habits and creating new patterns of health and positive energy. It helps a person to overcome fear and anxiety, and also to establish a "can do" attitude about anything he decides to try. It can remove negative influences on the person's environment and give him the courage to banish such influences from his life. Pyrite can be a useful tool to balance polarities and create harmony within the auric field. In body layouts, it should be used on the solar plexus, hands and basic chakra. This will anchor the person's auric field firmly in the body, in proper alignment for the optimal functioning of the spiritual self in the physical world. In meditation, holding a Pyrite in each hand can bring an instant of rebalancing and a refreshing burst of energy. When you can't take a nap, hold a Pyrite. It increases mental clarity and focus, making it an ideal stone for students.

Spiritual: Pyrite helps a person to integrate high frequency energies into their physical body. It is an ally to help a person act to create abundance in his life. Its frequency is useful for stimulating creative energy and promoting healthy sexual expression.

Emotional: Pyrite encourages the person to overcome fears and act. It can be used to help bring the person out of his shell and encourage him to be more dynamic and confident.

Physical: The sulfur component of Pyrite helps to purify the body of infections and stimulate proper endocrine function. It is excellent for fighting male impotence and infertility. Its iron component focuses on the power of Pyrite in the blood and tissues, allowing it to be used to fight skin diseases, fungal infections and cell invasion by viruses.

Affirmation: My will is strong, and I use it to manifest my most benevolent hopes and desires.

Gem of magic, awakens the perception of innate magical powers. Suitable stone to facilitate the improvement of magical skills. It is interdimentional, it emanates energy that helps the conscious personal penetration in the veil between the awakened world and the many  omains and plans of the inner perception. Stone of adventure offers the opportunity to embark on multiple trips of self-discovery. It is said that a tyrant wants power over others, and a true magician wants power over himself. When using or working with Labradorite, any tendency towards control over others occurs at the same time that it is deeply linked to the knowledge that self-mastery is the path to true fulfillment. As a pendant, the constant personal perception of the multiple layers of reality is accentuated. In rings, it can improve the receiving and sending of impulses of all varieties of magic. In earrings, it can especially improve the "hearing" of messages from your spirit guides. On the third eye (frontal chakra) in meditation, it can facilitate the visionary experiences of the future, the past and the many inner realms of time and eternity
Spiritual: assists in personal movement between realities and in connection with invisible kingdoms. It improves psychic abilities and increases the personal capacity to visualize and perceive through the inner eye a stone particularly useful for magical and ritual work: it acts as a psychic protection for those who travel and serve in other levels of reality.
Emotional: it can help in the discovery of unconscious and subconscious belief patterns that generate unpleasant Emotional states. In the clear personal awareness of sources of beliefs, inner dialogues and egoic influences on the person's habitual Emotional states.
Physical: can help in revealing the causes of "mysterious diseases". It can show the patterns that created disease and amplify healing thoughts and personal prayers.
Affirmation: I summon the magic of the highest perception.

Dimensions: 20cm high x 30cm base